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応用生態工学 13(2), 123-139, 2011





鳥居 高志1)*・塩根 嗣理1)・加藤 憲一2)・杉浦 幸彦3)・黒川 忠之3)・大野 正博3) ・大城 朝一4)・新垣 敏一4)

1) いであ株式会社 沖縄支社 〒900-0003 沖縄県那覇市安謝2-6-19
2) いであ株式会社 本社 〒154-8585 東京都世田谷区駒沢3-15-1
3) いであ株式会社 国土環境研究所 〒224-0025 神奈川県横浜市都筑区早渕2-2-2
4) 内閣府沖縄総合事務局北部ダム統合管理事務所 〒905-0019 沖縄県名護市大北3-19-8

Takashi TORII1)*, Hidemasa SHIONE1), Kenichi KATO2), Yukihiko SUGIURA3), Tadayuki KUROKAWA3), Masahiro OONO3), Tomokazu OSHIRO4), Toshikazu ARAKAKI4): Effects of river mouth closure on fish fauna in tidal river areas. Ecol. Civil Eng. 13(2), 123-139, 2011.

1) IDEA Consultants, Inc., Okinawa Branch, 2-6-19 Aja, Naha, Okinawa 900-0003, Japan
2) IDEA Consultants, Inc., Head Office, 3-15-1 Komazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-8585, Japan
3) IDEA Consultants, Inc., Institute of Environmental Informatics, 2-2-2 Hayabuchi, Tsuzuki, Yokohama 224-0025, Japan
4) Okinawa General Bureau North Dam Integrated Control Office, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, Okita, Nago, Okinawa, 905-0019, 3-19-8, Japan

Abstract: Effects of river mouth closure on fish fauna were studied in 11 rivers in the northern region of Okinawa Island. We investigated the occurrence of fish species and recorded physical environmental variables, i.e., water level, flow velocity, water temperature, and the width of the river mouth at high water, in the tidal river areas over four seasons. There were significantly fewer fish species in rivers with completely closed mouths than in those with open or incompletely closed mouths, particularly those species depending strongly on the sea and tidal river areas. This was presumed to be due to low salinity and obstruction of fish migration. Among the rivers with completely closed mouths, marine fish species occurred only in the Zatsun River, where the salinity changed with the tide. This shows that marine fish species are able to survive in tidal rivers, even when the mouth is completely closed. In two rivers with completely closed mouths, no larvae or juveniles of Rhinogobius species were found in the spring season, suggesting that the closed mouths obstructed the migration of these species. There were significant positive correlations between the number of fish species and the range of water-level fluctuation and the width of the river mouth at high water, two indications of the degree of river mouth closure. We suggest that the water-level range and the width of the river mouth at high water provide valid indices of the effects of river mouth closure on fish fauna.

Key words: fish fauna, Okinawa Island, river mouth closure, tidal area



line 2010年6月15日受付, 2010年12月3日受理
* e-mail: ttorii@ideacon.co.jp line

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