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応用生態工学 13(2), 113-122, 2011






愛媛大学大学院理工学研究科 〒790-8577 愛媛県松山市文京町3番 愛媛大学大学院理工学研究科

Tatsuya SUGIHARA*, Yo MIYAKE: Response of stream invertebrate scrapers to a light gradient. Ecol. Civil Eng. 13(2), 113-122, 2011.

Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University, 3 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-8577, Japan

Abstract:Many studies have shown that the riparian forest suppresses the light intensity, primary productivity and the abundance of stream invertebrates by canopy shading in head water streams. However, most studies were conducted at the stream-reach scale, whereas the light intensity seems to vary at smaller scales. We conducted a field survey to reveal the spatial pattern in the light intensity at consecutive riffles and the response of stream scraper assemblages to the light gradient, in a Japanese headwater stream. Canopy opening varied considerably (4-38%) throughout the study segment. Some survey points located in stream reaches without riparian forest showed greater degree of canopy opening. Difference in the abundance and species composition of canopy trees and understories may be responsible for generating the variation in the canopy opening. Analyses using a generalized linear model revealed that canopy opening significantly and predominantly explained the variance in density, biomass and taxon richness of stream scrapers. These invertebrate parameters were high at survey points with greater degree of canopy opening. The density and the biomass of many dominant scraper species also increased with canopy opening. These results imply that the quantity and the diversity of scrapers responded to the light gradient at the spatial scale smaller than the stream-reach. We suggest that the variation in the light intensity at a small spatial scale, which might have been even treated as an error, is an important determinant of the spatial distribution of stream scraper assemblages in headwater streams.

Key words: canopy opening, headwater stream, riffle, riparian forest, riparian logging


開空度には,河畔林の伐採区,現存区という河川区間スケールよりも,それ以下の小さな空間的スケールで,河川区間スケールに近い規模の変異が見られた.この変異は,林相および下層植生の差異によって引き起こされていると考えられた. 刈取食者の生息密度,生物体量および分類群数は,開空度の高い場所で大きな値を示した.開空度の高い場所では藻類の一次生産量が増加し,多くの刈取食者が生息していたものと考えられた.また,開空度の高い場所では生息密度の高い分類群が多く,多くの分類群においてサンプルに出現する確率が高まったため,分類群数が増加したものと考えられた. 付着藻類量の決定要因は不明瞭であった.一般に,河川内の光量が増加すれば付着藻類の一次生産量は増加すると予想されるが,刈取食者の摂食によって付着藻類の現存量は抑制されていた可能性が示唆された.

line 2009年5月29日受付, 2010年7月16日受理
* e-mail: sugihara.tatsuya.05@cee.ehime-u.ac.jp line

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