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応用生態工学 9(2), 167-178, 2006





柳井 清治1)*・ 河内 香織1)・ 伊藤 絹子2)

1)北海道工業大学環境デザイン学科 〒006-8585 札幌市手稲区前田7条15丁目
2) 東北大学大学院農学研究科 〒981-8585 仙台市青葉区堤通雨宮町1-1

Seiji YANAI1)*, Kaori KOCHI1) and Kinuko ITO2): Effects of chum salmon carcass (Oncorhynchus keta) on forest and stream ecosystems, in eastern Hokkaido, Japan.. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 9(2), 167-178, 2006.

1) Dept. of Environmental Design, Hokkaido Institute of Technology, 7-15-4-1, Maeda, Teine, Sapporo, 006-8585, Japan
2) Graduate school of Agricultural sciences, Tohoku University, 1-1, Tsutsumidoriamamiya, Aoba, Sendai, 981-8555, Japan

Abstract:The effects of salmon carcasses on forest and stream ecosystems were determined by nitrogen stable isotope analysis in natural streams in eastern Hokkaido, Northern Japan, where numerous chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) were migrated upstream from ocean to spawn in autumn. The leaves and soils surrounding riparian forest and aquatic animals were collected at salmon present and absent stream before and after migration. The nitrogen stable isotope ratio (d15N) of riparian trees (Salix spp. and Ulmus davidiana var. japonica) were not significantly different between the two sites. The grass leaves of Petasites japonicus, collected within 5m at salmon present stream showed higher d15N value (6‰) than another site (0.5〜3‰), however, this was not significantly different. The d15N of A0 soil layer at the salmon present site was 3 ‰ higher than absent site, but this was not significantly different. The C-N ratio was the lowest within 5m of salmon sites, which was also not significantly different. The movement of carcasses was traced by telemetry, and three out of the five carcasses were removed within 10 m. However, one carcass was transported to 500 m distant hillslope ridge. The d15N in four taxa of stream dwelling invertebrates and juvenile masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) were significantly different between the salmon present and absent stream. The temporal change of d15N values of aquatic invertebrates were compared before and after migration, 0.5 to 3.5‰ increases were observed in grazer, collector-gatherer and predator, but not shredder. These results suggest that the salmon carcasses did not significantly effect on riparian vegetation, however, they strongly influenced on stream ecosystems by enhancing trophic levels of aquatic consumers.

Key words: marine derived nitrogen, nitrogen stable isotope, riparian vegetation, salmon carcass and stream invertebrates


 この結果,サケの遡上は11月をピークとし,死骸は河川内と陸域で観察され,その比率は3対1程度であった.河川内に滞留しているものはほとんど水生菌が繁茂し水中で分解されるのに対し,陸上に持ち上げられた死骸の多くは大型動物類に被食を受けたものが多かった.河岸の死骸の5体に電波発信機を装着し移動距離を調べたところ,3体は10m 以内,1体が500m 程度移動したことが判明し,少数であるが遠方まで運ばれている可能性が示された.

line 2005年8月23日受付,2006年5月11日受理
* e-mail: yanai@hit.ac.jp line

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