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応用生態工学 9(1), 3-20, 2006





傳甫 潤也1)・ 岡村 俊邦2)・ 堀岡 和晃3)・ 米元 光明4)

1)株式会社セ・プラン環境部 〒062-0054 札幌市豊平区月寒東4条9丁目5番27号
2) 北海道工業大学工学部環境デザイン学科 〒006-8585 札幌市手稲区前田7条15丁目4番1号
3) 株式会社ドーコン水みどり環境部 〒004-8585 札幌市厚別区厚別中央1条5丁目4番1号
4) 北海道開発局旭川開発建設部 〒078-8513 旭川市宮前通東4155番31号

Junya DEMPO1), Toshikuni OKAMURA2), Kazuaki HORIOKA3) and Mitsuaki YONEMOTO4): Relationship between channel disturbance and the riparian forest structure in lowlands of Hokkaido, Japan. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 9(1), 3-20, 2006.

1) Civil Engineering & Planning Co., Ltd., Environment Dept., 4-9-5-27,Tsukisamuhigashi, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo 062-0054, Japan
2) Hokkaido Institute of Technology., Dept of Environmental Design., 7-15-4-1, Maeda, Teine-ku, Sapporo 006-8585, Japan
3) Docon Co., Ltd., Water & Green Environmental Planning Dept., 1-5-4-1, Atsubetsuchuuou, Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo 004-8585, Japan
4)Hokkaido Development Bureau Asahikawa development and Construction., 4155-31, Miyamaedorihigashi, Asahikawa, 078-8513, Japan

Abstract:This study clarifies relationship between characteristics of channel geomorphology of lowland river and of riparian forest, toward riparian forest management. We classified channels into braided (B), free-meandering (F), irregular-meandering preceding bottleneck (Irre), and meandering that are deep on one side but not the other (D). At bottlenecks there are in-growing meandering (Ing) and intrenched meandering channels (Int). On plains, the bed gradient is gentler and water level fluctuation is larger in order of (B),(Irre), (D) and (F). Channel-bed degradation after river improvement work is generally small in bottlenecks, where the ratio of pre-work length divided by post-work length is small; it is large on plains, where that ratio is larger. Channel-bed degradation is particularly great in (B), whose decrease in sediment transport due to river improvement work are larger than in the other types of channels. The channels were analyzed in terms of microtopography, sedimentation, and stand distribution and structure. We categorized channels into two: (F) whose range and strength of disturbance are small and where stable development of stand is seen from the area adjoining the channel; and (B), where the area of disturbance is large but the strength of disturbance is moderate. Normally, little vegetation or only young trees are seen on the floodplains after river improvement work and double-row sandbars formed in (B). However, a decrease in flood frequency due to bed degradation and dam construction, and a reduction in the magnitude of disturbance due to streamline adjustment resulting from construction of the low-water revetment resulted in moderate stability of stand. It was thus thought that forest in (B) decay and re-grow repeatedly, and those in (F) develop into stable silva. These findings provide us with a key for better riparian forest management.

Key words: channel-bed degradation, channel disturbance, flow regime, lowland rivers, riparian stand (mostly Salix) distribution and structure


本研究では,北海道低地帯で区分された河道内の撹乱作用と河畔林の構造との関係を把握した.まず,河道平面形状から,平坦部では,網状河道,S 字蛇行河道,狭窄部前不規則蛇行河道,偏流型河道,狭窄部では,生育蛇行河道,掘削蛇行河道に区分した.平坦部では,網状河道,狭窄部前不規則蛇行河道や偏流型河道,S 字蛇行河道という順に河床勾配が緩くなり,下流になるにしたがい水位増減度合いが大きくなっていた.河道整備後の河床低下は,短縮率の小さな狭窄部の河道で小さく,短縮率の大きな平坦部の河道で大きかった.なかでも,河道整備による土砂滞留空間の減少,それにともなう土砂供給の減少の影響が大きいと考えられる網状河道で顕著であった.次に,現地調査から得られた,微地形,堆積土砂,河畔林の分布や構造に関する変数を指標に解析した結果, S字蛇行河道と網状河道との間において,河道特性と河畔林の分布や構造に大きな違いがあることがわかった.前者では,水位増減度合いが大きいものの,撹乱の範囲と強度が小さく,河道から近い位置に安定した林分を持つ河畔林が維持されていた.後者では,撹乱範囲が大きく撹乱強度が中庸で,河道から離れた位置にやや不安定な林分を持つ河畔林が維持されていた.河道整備により複列砂州状となった網状河道は,本来は裸地や不安定な林分となるところであるが,河床低下やダム建設,低水護岸による流心の誘導にともない,砂州領域の撹乱の強度や頻度が低下し,やや不安定な林分を持つ河畔林が形成されるようになったと考えた.

line 2005年1月7日受付,2005年11月16日受理
1) e-mail: j-denpo@ceplan.co.jp line

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