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応用生態工学 5(2), 257-263, 2003


特集: 河川環境の保全と復元
FEATURE: Conservation and restoration of river environment




独立行政法人土木研究所自然共生研究センター 〒501-6021 岐阜県羽島郡川島町笠田官有地無番地

Yuichi KAYABA: Activities in Aqua Research Restoration Center for the restoration of habitats in streams and rivers in Japan Ecol. Civil. Eng. 5(2), 257-263, 2003.

Aqua Restoration Research Center, Public Works Research Institute, Mubanchi, Kasada kanyuuchi, Kawashima, Hajima, Gifu 501-6021, Japan

Abstract:Aqua Research Restoration Center (ARRC) which was established in 1998 in Gifu Prefecture, has three Experimental Streams. Three streams have the length of approximately 800 m, and the bed slope from 1.2% to 3.33%. The Stream A is a straight channel and the Streams B and C have two meandering sections Electrical fishing surveys were conducted from July to December in 1999 in order to clarify relative variation in fish abundance among the three streams. The fish surveys resulted in the higher abundance in the Streams B and C than in the Stream A, and a relationship between habitat types and the number of individuals in the three streams were analyzed to specify the factors influencing the relative abundance of fish in the two types of streams. The habitat types were partitioned into a lotic zone and a water-edge from the lateral view of a cross section. The lotic zone was subdivided into riffles, pools, runs and glides, and the water-edge was subdivided into "vegetation" and "no-vegetation". A statistic analysis proved that several sequences of riffles and pools contributed to the relative abundance of fish in the Streams B and C to Stream A, however, the vegetation at water-edge did not function in the enhancement of fish abundance compared with the riffles and pools. These results will show that we should pay much attention to the habitat structure in the lotic zone in river works such as river restoration.

Key words: experimental streams, fish abundance, habitat, pool and riffle, vegetation



line 2002年5月30日受付,2002年12月16日受理
e-mail: y-kayaba@pwri.go.jp line

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