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応用生態工学 5(1), 23-40, 2002


特集: 長良川河口堰の影響に関するモニタリング評価
FEATURE: Evaluation of Monitoring on Impacts of Estuary Barrage in Nagara River



住谷昌宏1)・ 長瀬 修1)*・ 木下昌樹2)

1)水資源開発公団長良川河口堰管理所 〒511-1146 三重県桑名郡長島町十日外面136
2) 前水資源開発公団長良川河口堰管理所 〒511-1146 三重県桑名郡長島町十日外面136

Masahiro SUMIYA1), Osamu NAGASE1)* and Masaki KINOSHITA2): Studies on the fishways and migratory fish species of Nagaragawa Estuary Barrage. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 5(1), 23-40, 2002.

1) Nagaragawa Estuary Barrage Operation and Maintenance Office, Water Resources Deveropement Public Corporation, 136,Tokadomo,Nagashima-sho, Kuwana-gun, Mie-ken 511-1146, Japan
2) Ex-Nagaragawa Estuary Barrage Operation and Maintenance Office, Water Resources Deveropement Public Corporation, 136,Tokadomo,Nagashima-sho, Kuwana-gun, Mie-ken 511-1146, Japan

Abstract:Studies on the fishways of Nagaragawa Esruary Barrage and mignatory fish species that passd the barrage were conducted when the estuary garrage project was planned, before and during the construction of the barrage, and before the barrage went into operation. After the barrage went into operaton, its monitoring began, and it is still being carried on. The investigations and studies conducted at the planning stage and before the commencement of barrage construction yielded information on the habitats and helped the developement of seed production techniques of ayu (sweetfish) and satsukimasu salmon, which were likely to be affected by barrage operation. Through subsequent studies conducted during the construction of the barrage, knowledge was gained about the habitat of migratory bottom fish species, and the type of fishway structure to be adopted was determined according to the study results. Before the gates went into operation, findings from the studies and deliberations conducted thus far were verified through test operations. In the monitoring of the estuary barrage after it went into service, the migratory habits of fish species likery to be affected by barrage operation were studied, and effectiveness of the fishways was confirmed.

Key words: estuary barrage, fishway, monitoring, Nagara River

line 2001年10月23日受付,2002年7月10日受理
* e-mail: osamu_nagase@water.go.jp line

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