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応用生態工学 5(1), 5-22, 2002


特集: 長良川河口堰の影響に関するモニタリング評価
FEATURE: Evaluation of Monitoring on Impacts of Estuary Barrage in Nagara River



佐々木一英1)・ 村上由高2)・ 佐々木弘二3)・ 高木守夫4)

1)前国土交通省中部地方整備局 河川部 〒460-8514 名古屋市中区三の丸2-5-1
2) 国土交通省中部地方整備局 河川部 〒460-8514 名古屋市中区三の丸2-5-1
3) 水資源開発公団中部支社管理部 〒460-0001 名古屋市中区三の丸1-2-1
4) 前水資源開発公団中部支社管理部 〒460-0001 名古屋市中区三の丸1-2-1

Kazuhide SASAKI1), Yoshitaka MURAKAMI2), Kouji SASAKI3) and Morio TAKAGI4): A review of monitoring in a post-construction stage of the Nagaragawa Estuary Barrage from administrative point of view Ecol. Civil. Eng. 5(1), 5-22, 2002.

1) Ex-Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Chubu Regional Bureau, River Department 2-5-1, Sannomaru, Nakaku, Nagoya, Aichi 460-8514, Japan
2) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Chubu Regional Bureau, River Department 2-5-1, Sannomaru, Nakaku, Nagoya, Aichi 460-8514, Japan
3) Water Resources Development Public Corporation, Chubu Regional Bureau, Management and Operation Department 1-2-1, Sannomaru, Nakaku, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0001,Japan4)Extra-Water Resources Development Public Corporation, Chubu Regional Bureau, Management and Operation Department 1-2-1, Sannomaru, Nakaku, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0001,Japan

Abstract:This paper summarizes the five-year monitoring works that were conducted for the Nagaragawa Estuary Barrage between 1995 and 1999 from administrative point of view including environmental studies during a pre-construction stage. The monitoring was carried out by the Ministry of Construction (recently reorganized into the Ministry of Land, Infra-structure and Transport, or MLIT) and Water Resources Development Public Corporation under real operational stage. The post-construction stage monitoring was conducted under the guidance of the Nagaragawa Estuary Barrage Monitoring Committee, and the monitored results were made public annually by reports. Monitoring covers important items for fauna and flora of brakish water zone, for instance, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, salinity, water temperature, chrolophyll A, bottom sediment, fishes and anodromous fishes, shell fishes, reed beds, and so On. This paper describes how the system of monitoring was developed and the monitoring proceeded with several changes of target species and monitoring locations. Monitored results are reflected in the management of the lower reach of the Nagara River. In the fiscal year of 2000, the MOC (now MLIT) and Water Resources Development Public Corporation took over the monitoring. A new series of monitoring in a follow-up stage is undertaken under the guidance of the Chubu Region Dam and Estuary Barrage Management Follow-up Committee (Dam Subcommittee).

Key words: environmental studies, Estuary Barrage, monitoring, Nagara River

line 2001年10月23日受付,2002年7月10日受理
2) e-mail: murakami-y85ab@cbr.mlit.go.jp line

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