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応用生態工学 2(2), 125-139, 1999


特集: ダム構造物の影響 Feature: influences of dam structure



中村 太士

北海道大学大学院農学研究科森林管理保全講座〒060-8589 札幌市北区北9条西9丁目

Futoshi NAKAMURA: Influences of dam structure on dynamics of riparian forests. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 2(2), 125-139, 1999.

Department of Forest Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Nishi 9, Kita 9, Sapporo 060-8589, Japan

Abstract:Riparian forests play an important role in a river ecosystem. Dams for water regulation and erosion control substantially alter the regeneration habitats of riparian species, thereby affect their recruitment, composition and growth rate. This paper reviewed the effects of dams on riparian forest dynamics. The effects of dams can be seen in the regulation of water discharge, sediment transport and frequency of fiood disturbances. For example, spring fioods in snowy regions mobilize riverbed sediment and create the moist, alluvial substrate ideal for seed germination. These are essential habitats for the recruitment of Populus and Salix spp. In contrast, dams attenuate spring flooding and/or stabilize summer flows. This fiow regime limits the development of sand bars and may induce drought stress for seedlings and old trees. The recent degradation of riverbeds, widely observed in Japan, is due to gravel mining, and sediment entrapment by reservoirs and erosion control dams. This situation provides stable habitats for riparian forests, resulting in expansion of woodlands. However, decreased flood frequency and magnitude along the downstream reach of dams may reduce densities of pioneer species and shift species distribution from pioneer to late successional trees. Seed dispersal by water which is especially impor tant for maintaining species diversity in wetland forests may be affected by dam construction. The methodologies applied to previous studies on dam effects are based upon a paired-reach comparison (up- and downstream) and/or comparison among rivers with and without dams. Some studies only examine differences in species composition, but others analyze species distribution and population densities with hydrologic, geomorphic parameters. Pre- and post-regulation effccts were examined by dendrochronological analysis of core samples taken from matured trees and inter pretation of a series of air-photos. Simulations were also conducted based upon niche differentiation and forest succession models. In order to mitigate the effects of dams, I suggest that an adaptive management strategy, such as initiation of artificial fioods, is required.

Key words: dams, reservoir sedimentation, river landscape, river hydraulics, degrada tion, armoring, riparian vegetation, habitat hydraulics


ダム構造物が水辺林の更新動態に与える影響について, 流量変動,流砂量および地形変化,撹乱の頻度と強度, そして流水による種子散布の観点から検討した.
一方,ダムによる流量調節および砂防ダムや床固め工の施工により,氾濫原内の裸地が減少し樹林化が進んでいるという報告も多い.ダムによる砂礫供給の減少は, ダム下流における流路変動を抑制する方向に働く.先駆性の広葉樹にとって,流送砂礫による寄州の発達と古い堆積面への土砂再堆積は,更新裸地および水分・栄養補給の観点からも重要であるが,これがダムにより抑えられることになる.
砂利採取およびダム建設による掃流砂量の減少は,下流河床の低下を引き起こす.一方で,微細砂は流域の土地利用に起因して生産され,段丘化した田監原に越流堆積する.こうした河床低下と高水敷への微細砂堆積は, 近年ニセアカシアが水辺域に分布を拡大する要因となっている.
流水による種子散布は湿地林についての報告が多い. 湿地林の種多様性を維持する機構として,洪水撹乱による種子の再分散の重要性を指摘する報告もあり,ダムによる流量調節および種子の捕捉は,流水による種子散布にも影響を与えると考えられる.

line 1999年3月30日受付, 1999年6月10日受理
e-mail: nakaf@for.agr.hokudai.ac.jp line

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