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応用生態工学 1(1), 21-31, 1998




I. 沈水植物の種組成と分布

今本博臣1)*・ 加藤正典1)・ 堀家健司2)・原 稔明1)

1) 水資源開発公団 〒338-0812 浦和市大字神田936
2) 新日本気象海洋株式会社 〒550-0002 大阪市西区江戸堀3-2-23

Hiroomi IMAMOTO1)*, Masanori KATO1), Kenji HORIYA2) and Toshiaki HARA1): Studies on the coastal environment in Lake Biwa. I. Species composition and distribution of submerged macrophytes. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 1(1), 7-20, 1998.

1) Water Resources Development Public Corporation, 936 Ooaza Kanda, Urawa 338-0812, Japan
2) Shin-Nippon METOCEAN Consultant Co. Ltd. 3-2-23, Edobori, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0002, Japan

Abstract: In summer of 1997, submerged macrophytes were investigated in 6,354 quadrates (10mx2m) along 104 transects covering the whole littoral zone of Lake Biwa by SCUBA diving to obtain a quantitative view of species composition and horizontal and vertical distributions of respective species. Twenty three species were found in this survey. The species with high frequency were Potamogeton maackianus, Hydrilla verticillata and Elodea nuttallii. The vegetation was classified into four types by cluster analysis using values of similarity index among all transects. Four types were as follows: west and north (N1), north-east (N2), south-east (N3) in Northern Basin, and Southern Basin (S). N2 type had the largest vegetational cover, cover layer, number of species and diversity index, and N1 type the smallest number of species. Applying the principal component analysis for Northern and Southern Basins, the richness of vegetation could be reasonably ordinated by the first principal component. The groups of species growing in different environment conditions (wave energy, water depth, transparency and grain size) were also interpreted by the second and third principal components. Scatter diagrams for water depth and grain size of submerged macrophyte species showed the characteristic of habitat conditions in each basin, indicating higher habitat diversity in Northern Basin than in Southern Basin. Differences in vertical distubution patterns of some species between the basins were discussed in relation to the growth form, interspecific competition and environment charge (eutrophication, etc.). Influence of water level fluctuation on submerged macrophyte species was also discussed in the context of a possible low-water level (B.S.L. -1.5m) in the Lake Biwa Development Project.

Key words: fluctuation of lake water level, habitat condition, Lake Biwa, submerged macrophyte, vegetation type


1997年夏季に琵琶湖全域104測線でベルトトランセクト法による 潜水調査を行った. 調査は総延長63,540m, 総観察面積127,080m2, 植生の観察された区画数は5,754であった. 本調査では23種の沈水植物を確認し, センニンモ, クロモ, コカナダモ の3種が優占種であった.沈水植物相は1960〜1970年代を境に種構成の変化がみられるが, 1980年代以降では, 大きな変化がなかった.

クラスター分析による測線間の種組成の類似性から, 北湖の西岸・北岸(N1), 北東岸(N2), 南東岸(N3) および南湖(S) の4水域を代表する植生型に区分された. N2タイプでは植被率, 被覆階層, 種数, 多様性指数が高く, N1タイプでは種数が少なかった. 主成分分析結果から, 北湖, 南湖ともに第1主成分は 植生の豊かさを表わし, 第3主成分までで相対照度 (水深, 透明度), シールズ数 (波浪等), 底質粒度による沈水植物の分布の類型化が 可能となった.

沈水植物各種の生育水深と低質粒度の散布図から, 北湖と南湖における地形 (水深), 波浪, 透明度等に 起因する生育環境の特性を示し, 南湖では生育環境の多様性が 低くなっていることを明らかにした. また, 種間競争や富栄養化などの環境変化についても考察し, 沈水植物の種多様性を保全するには, 生育環境の多様性, 特に 深水域の砂質が保持されていることが重要な要件と考えられた.

琵琶湖開発事業に関連して, 利用低水位 B.S.L. -1.5 m までに出現頻度の高い種は, ミズオオバコ, ホソバミズヒキモ, ヒメホタルイ などで, 水位低下が沈水植物に与える影響について議論した.


* e-mail: XLE02245@nifty.ne.jp line


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