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応用生態工学 14(2), 103-114, 2011





増山 貴明・吉村 千洋・藤井 学・伊藤 潤・大谷 絵利佳

東京工業大学大学院理学研究科土木工学専攻 〒152-8552 東京都目黒区大岡山2-12-1-M1-4

Takaaki MASUYAMA, Chihiro YOSHlMURA, Manabu FUJll, Jun ITO, Erika OTANI : Spatial distribution of deposited sediment and soil environmental property in the ecotone between Sagae dam reservoir and an inflowing river. Ecol. Civil Eng. 14(2), 103-114, 2011.

Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate Shool of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Insutitute of Technology, 2-12-1-M1-4, Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan

Abstract: We investigated the influence of water level fluctuation on the spatial distribution of deposited sediment and soil environment in the wetland between dam reservoir and its incoming river,called "ecotone" in this study. The target reservoir was Sagae Dam in Yamagata Prefecture, where the range of annual water level fluctuation rises up to 50m and a relatively large area of the wetland is dried out in summer and autumn. In the ecotone we set five lateral transects (Line-1 to -5) and sampled the sediment, interstitial water and surface water in June, August and October in 2009 and October in 2010. When water level was relatively high (June), a clear longitudinal change was not observed regarding size distribution and organic matter content of the surface soil. In contrast, when the ecotone turned into a riverine zone having low water level (August and October), a clear longitudinal shift of sediment and the downstream transects were observed and characterized by fine sediment with rich organic matter at Line-3 to -5. In October such sediment contained reductive interstitial water with the lowest ORP of -19 to -35mV at Line-4. Stepwise multiple regression analysis found that ORP is negatively correlated with fine organic matter content and relative height. The relation of such sediment property to interstitial water quality is possibly determined by the fact that the sediment containing rich fine organic matter has low permeability and high water content. Overall, the results indicates that the fine sediment containing rich fine organic matter maintains the reductive condition in the soil layers deeper than 30cm even though sediment has been exposed to atmosphere for two months. It implies that such sediment together with anaerobic organic matter decomposition may promote methane production in the ecotone at the upstream end of reservoir.

Key words: ecotone, reservoir, sediment deposition, soil environment, water level fluctuation


年間約50mの水位変動が生じる寒河江ダム貯水池を対象とし,土砂堆積が卓越する貯水池・河川間のエコトーンにおける堆積土砂及び土壌環境特性の空間分布を明らかにし,水位操作がエコトーンでの物質動態に与える影響を検討することを目的とした.エコトーンにおける流下方向の変化を確認するために河川横断方向の測線を5本設定し(Line-1〜5) ,測線上の複数の地点において,2009年6〜10月と2010年10月に土壌,土壌間隙水,表流水を採取し,土壌環境特性を調査した.その結果,高水位期(6月)には表層土壌の粒径分布と有機物含量は 流下方向に大きな変化はなく,エコトーンが止水帯で、ある時に輸送されてきた土砂が堆積していたと考えられた.一方で,低水位期(8〜10 月)は下流側ほど粒径が細かく,有機物含量の多い土砂が堆積していた.これは,水位低下に伴い,エコトーンは流水帯の性質を帯び,上流の細かい土砂,特に軽い有機物が掃流され,流下方向に堆積物粒径と有機物量の変化が現れたと考えられた.そして,干出後50〜70 日程度の堆積物における土壌環境特性の 調査の結果,土壌中間隙水はLine-1で好気的(酸化還元電位:227mV), Line-4 で嫌気的(-35〜-19mV)であり,その聞は徐々に嫌気化する傾向にあった.重回帰分析の結果,酸化還元電位と微細有機物含量に負の相関があり,その要因として,微細有機物を多く含む土壌は透 水係数が低く含水比が高いことにより,大気から酸素が供給されにくいと考えられた.エコトーン下流部で確認されたメタン生成は,このような還元的条件と高い溶存態有機物濃度に起因する可能性が高い.以上より,水位低下により土砂を干出させても,30cm以深の微細有機物含量の多い堆積層は,干出後50日程度でも好気的になりにくいことが本研究で確認され,このような堆積層は嫌気的な有機物分解によるメタン生成を伴うことが示唆された.

line 2011年5月25日受付, 2011年8月15日受理
* e-mail: masuyama.t.aa@m.titech.ac.jp line

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