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応用生態工学 13(2), 165-169, 2011






京福コンサルタント株式会社 〒917-0026 福井県小浜市多田11-2-1

Akira MATSUI: Seasonal change in spring discharge of Unjou water and Tsushima's famous water, Obama City, Fukui Prefecture, Japan. Ecol. Civil Eng. 13(2), 165-169, 2011.

Keifuku consultant Co., Ltd., 11-2-1 Tada, Obama, Fukui 917-0026, Japan

Abstract:Unjou water and Tsushima's famous water in Obama City, Fukui Prefecture, were surveyed for spring discharge and water temperature by sampling as frequently as every other day from November 2007 to April 2009. Conclusions were as fo1lows. First, the average spring discharge of Unjou water was about 1L/sec, and that of Tsushima's famous water was about 0.5L/sec. Second, both springs ran out of water in January and February, and now was decreased in July. Third, the average water temperature of Unjou water and Tsushima's famous water showed a tendency to increase in summer and decrease in winter. Fourth, the minimum average water temperature of Unjou water and Tsushima's famous water was about 14 degrees Celsius, and the maximum was about 16.5 and 18 degrees Celsius for Unjou water and Tsushima's famous water, respectively. Fifth, Spring discharge of Unjou water and Tsushima's famous water dramatically decreased when a snow melting system was put into operation. Sixth, it is desirable to utilize not only ground water but also the heat of ground water and river water to aid in the melting of snow.


2007年11月〜2009年4月までの1年半の間, 2日に1回の頻度で, 雲城水および津島名水(福井県小浜市)における湧水量および水温を測定した. その結果, 以下のことが明らかになった.
(1) 雲城水の平均湧水量は約1L/秒, 津島名水のそれは約0.5L/秒であった.
(2) 両湧水量は1,2月に全くなくなり, 7月に減少傾向を示したが, それ以外は顕著な季節変化はみられなかった.
(3) 雲城水および津島名水の平均水温は夏季に高く冬季に低い傾向を示した.
(4) 両方とも平均水温の最小値は約14℃であるのに対し, 最大値は雲城水が約16.5℃, 津島名水が約18℃であった.
(5) 冬季の融雪装置稼働時は雲城水および津島名水ともに湧水量が激減した.
(6) 地下水環境の保全が叫ばれている現在において, 融雪水として地下水だけに依存するのではなく, 地下水の熟や河川水を利用するのが望ましいと思われる.

line 2009年11月25日受付, 2010年6月23日受理
e-mail: matsuiakira1972@yahoo.co.jp line


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