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応用生態工学 12(2), 87-98, 2009





白川 北斗1)・柳井 清治2)・河内 香織3)

1) 北海道大学大学院水産科学院  〒041-8611 函館市港町3丁目1−1
2) 北海道工業大学環境デザイン学科 〒006-8585 札幌市手稲区前田7条15丁目4−1
3) 埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科 〒338-8570 埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255

Hokuto SHIRAKAWA1), Seiji YANAI2), and Kaori KOUCHI3) : Habitat selection of fluvial lamprey larvae Lethenteron Japonicum change with growth stage. Ecol. Civil Eng.12(2), 87-98, 2009.

1) Faculty of Fisheries Science, Hokkaido University, Hakodate 041-8611, Japan
2) The Department of Environmental Design, Hokkaido Institute of Technology, Sapporo OO6-8585, Japan
3) Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, Saitama 338-8570, Japan

Abstract: The environmental factors influencing the abundance of fluvial larvae of the lamprey Lethenteron japonicum was studied in a tributary of the Ishikari River, central Hokkaido, Japan. We also conducted their food requirements by laboratory rearing experiment. The abundance of larvae and environmental parameters (Water temperature, Water depth, Water velocity, pH, Dissolved oxygen, Conductivity, Turbidity, Substrate hardness) were measured in one-meter-square quadrats. The larvae were captured using an electro-fisher and separated into two size classes (1-5cm and 5-15cm). The relationships between abundance and environmental factors were analyzed using generalized linear mixed models for each size class. The environmental factors that predicted the patterns of abundance of the two sizes of larvae differed for each size class. The abundance of larvae in the large size class was positively correlated with substrate hardness and dissolved organic matter (DOM), while that of the small size class was positively associated with substrate hardness, substrate composition (Silt), and current velocity. Sub-yearling larvae were also collected and reared for two months in the laboratory to observe their feeding preference by adding different foods. Their food uptake ratio was determined using stable isotope analysis. By the rearing experiment, the larvae which were given fallen leaves had significantly greater increases in wet mass and body length, as compared to the larvae which were given algae. The stable isotope analysis indicated that the larvae can take up nutrients from fallen leaves. We concluded that lamprey larvae change their habitat requirements with growth stage, and fine substrate containing fine organic matter is a significant microhabitat for fluvial larvae lamprey.

Key words: animal eclology, civil engineering, flood-bed, hydro-physics, substrate size


 2つの体サイズに応じた幼生の徴生息場選択性を明ら かにすることを目的として,石狩川水系尾白利加川において,カワヤツメ(Lethenteron japonicum)幼生の採集と環境要因を測定した.また,幼生の餌資源利用を議論するために,餌資源の取りこみ実験と安定同位体分析を行った.大型群(5-15cm)の幼生では河床有機物(DOM)と底質硬度,小型群(1-5cm)では底質硬度・流速底質組成(シルト質)が最良モデルとして選ばれ,これらの要因がカワヤツメ幼生の出現個体数を規定することが明らかとなった.またカワヤツメ幼生の成長と餌資源の取り込みを調べるために飼育実験を行ったところ,落葉リタ-を与えた処理は体長,湿重量ともに有意に増加することが示された.加えて実験の終了した個体の窒素炭素安定同位体比分析を行ったところ,実験で用いた幼生が餌資源として与えた落葉リタ-と藻類の同位体比に誘導され,特に落葉リタ一においてその度合いが高かった.このことから,カワヤツメ幼生はデトリタスを栄養として吸収することが示唆された.以上の野外調査・室内実験から,体サイズの小さなカワヤツメ幼生は自発的に生息環境を選択することができないため,生息河川に柔らかな河床と成長するために落葉リタ-のような餌資源が最初から必要となる.一方,サイズの大きな幼生は自発的に生息環境を選択し,特に底質中の有機物が多い場所に生息することが明らかとなった.そのためカワヤツメ幼生の生息する河川には,柔らかい泥土が堆積できる多様な河川地形と餌資源の供給源となる河畔林の存在,およびそのような環境が連続して存在することが重要であると推察された.

line 2008年9月2日受付,2009年5月29日受理
1) e-mail: dipper@fish.hokudai.ac.jp line


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