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応用生態工学 7(2), 173-186, 2005


特集:標津川再生事業の概要と再蛇行化実験の評価 FEATURE:Shibetsu River Restoration Project



中野大助*・ 布川雅典・ 中村 太士

北海道大学大学院農学研究科森林管理保全学講座 〒060-8589 札幌市北区北9条西9丁目

Daisuke NAKANO*, Masanori NUNOKAWA and Futoshi NAKAMURA: Relationship between river water quality and land uses in Yatsu located in the suberbs of Funabashi City, Chiba, Japan. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 7(2), 173-186, 2005.

Department of Forest Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University Kita 9 Nishi 9, kita-ku, Sapporo 060-8589, Japan

Abstract:In March 2003, a re-meandering experiment, connecting main channel with an oxbow lake, was implemented in Shibetsu River, located in eastern Hokkaido, northern Japan. The objective of this study is to examine the changes in distribution and structure of macroinvertebrate community before and after the re-meandering experiment in the alluvial lowland river. We investigated composition of macroinvertebrate community in straight reach, oxbow lake (pre-experiment), and re-meandering reach (post-experiment). After the oxbow lake was connected with the main channel, we set five transect lines for quantitative evaluation of macroinvertebrate at three study reaches (natural meandering, re-meandering and straight channel). The hypothesis we tested was that the re-meandering reach containing more diverse habitat environments has more diverse macroinvertebrate community than do straight channel. The study results showed that most lentic species were replaced with lotic species after the connection. Most taxa identified on transects, however, were found at shallow shorelines of point bar, which we did not expect before the experiment. Since taxa richness and abundance were negatively correlated with shear velocity, a low shear stress and resultant bed stability at the shorelines of point bar are responsible for a high abundance and richness of macroinvertebrate community. Those results indicated a role of point bar for keeping abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrate in alluvial lowland river. Taxa richness and abundance of macroinvertebrate community in re-meandering channel had once recovered to the level of natural meandering channel in June, but this recovery was not maintained until November. We believe that this is due to the continuous movement and changes of bed material as well as channel morphology. The re-meandering reach is still dynamic and we have to monitor the physical process as well as ecological response until it reaches to the stable phase.

Key words: alluvial lowland river, macroinvertebrate community, point bar, re-meandering experiment, Shibetsu River


2002年3月,日本で初めてとなる河川の再蛇行化実験が,北海道東部の標津川で行われた.実験評価の一環として,沖積低地河川における再蛇行化が河川底生動物群集の分布や組成に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることを研究目的とした.  再蛇行化実験前後の底生動物群集の変化については,実験前の2002年7月と実験後の2003年7月に定性的な調査を行った.再蛇行化により,河跡湖に生息していた止水性の底生動物のほとんどが,流水性の底生動物に入れ代わった.また,実験前の直線流路と実験後の直線流路と再蛇行化流路で採集された底生動物のタクサ数に大きな違いは見られなかった.

line 2003年10月16日受付,2004年11月15日受理
* e-mail: daisuken@for.agr.hokudai.ac.jp line

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