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応用生態工学 7(1), 25-36, 2004





松井 明・ 佐藤 政良*

筑波大学大学院生命環境科学研究科 〒305-8572 つくば市天王台1-1-1

Akira MATSUI and Masayoshi SATOH*: A proposal for fish habitat improvement based on the analysis of fish distribution in the irrigation and drainage systems ig a consolidated paddy field. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 7(1), 25-36, 2004.

Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1, Ten-no dai, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki 305-8572, Japan

Abstract:The consolidated paddy field of Japan will remain extensively in the future and continue to have a crucial influence on regional environment. The purpose of this study is to show an ecological significance of connecting irrigation and drainage canals in a consolidated paddy field, and a practical plan based on a field survey of fish distribution at four sites in a paddy field of Shimodate City, Ibaraki Prefecture. The sampling interval was one week during the period of May 2002 to June 2003. The results clarified the followings: (1) The ten species of fishes caught in the canals can be classified into two groups; fishes living mainly in drainage canals, such as Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Dojou) and Silurus asotus (Namazu), and those living both in irrigation and drainage canals, such as Gnathopogon elongatus elongatus (Tamoroko). (2) The fishes in the irrigation canals were fewer because they had just found their way into the canals from the source river, while some were found overwintering in the pools of the canals after irrigation was stopped. (3) An effective way of attaining both the conservation of fishes and the high productivity is to employ a shallow farm drain by using under-drain system for sub-surface drainage. The minimized difference in elevation between farm drain and paddy plot allows the first group of fishes to enter the shallow water on the paddy, and the connection of lateral canal and shallow farm drain with water flow allows the second group of fishes to go and come between the irrigation and drainage canals. (4) A simple and effective way of conserving fishes in the irrigation canal is to evacuate them to the farm drain before stopping irrigation.

Key words: drainage canal, farmland consolidation, fish, irrigation canal, paddy field


本研究は,圃場整備済み水田地区の魚類相保全の観点から,茨城県下館市の整備済み水田用排水路を取り上げ,2002年5月から2003年6月の間毎週1回定期的に実施した現地調査に基づいて, 魚類の生息実態,用排水路系の接続の意義および今後の用排水路整備の方法について検討し,以下のことを明らかにした. 1. 定置網を用いて採捕された魚類10種はドジョウ,ナマズのように主に排水路系に分布し水田に移動する魚類,タモロコのように用水路系と排水路系の両方に分布する魚類の2タイプに大別された. 2. 採捕された魚類は全般に灌漑期に多く,非灌漑期に少なかった.また,用水路系で採捕された魚類は少なく,河川から流入した個体と考えられるが,その一部は流水がない非灌漑期に水路中の深みに生息していた. 3. 地表・地下排水の分離処理によって浅い小排水路を採用し小排水路と田面の落差を小さくすること,またそれを支線用水路と接続し用排水路間の往来を可能にすることが,上記2タイプの魚類の保全および水田の高生産性との両立を図る上で有効である. 4. 灌漑期に用水路内に現存した魚類の保全対策としては,灌漑用水の停止前に,支線用水路から小排水路に落水し避難させることが簡便かつ効果的である.

line 2003年11月26日受付,2004年6月21日受理
* e-mail: massa@sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp line

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