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応用生態工学 6(2), 191-194, 2004


小特集: 外来種の現状把握と対策 MINI FEATURE: Measures against alien species



竹門 康弘1)・ 鷲谷 いづみ2)

1)京都大学防災研究所水資源研究センター 〒611-0011 宇治市五ヶ庄
2) 東京大学農学生命科学研究科生圏システム学専攻保全生態学研究室 〒113-8657 文京区弥生1-1-1

Yasuhiro TAKEMON1) and Izumi WASHITANI2): Understanding the present situation of alien species and countermeasures from a view point of ‘Ecology and Civil Engineering’. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 6(2), 191-194, 2004.

1) Water Resources Research Center, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji 611-0011, Japan
2) University of Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan

Abstract:Papers on alien species and control measures were called for the Journal and a review paper and an original paper are included in this issue. In the review paper, Miyawaki and Washitani describe the present situation of invasive alien plants in riparian habitats of Japan based on the monitoring data obtained by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and propose an ecosystem approach for the management of the invasive species populations in order to conserve biodiversity in riparian plant communities. The original paper by Tamura et al. deals with distribution patterns of an invasive Formosan squirrel in urban areas and concludes that size of the forest with broad-leaved evergreen trees is an important factor for successful invasion by the squirrel. It indicates that habitat restoration in urban area might result in helping invasion of some alien species. This is a reason why we should investigate on uninvasibility of natural communities to apply the mechanisms to habitat restoration in ecosystem management. In this paper, a model for judging investment ratio of direct community manipulation to habitat manipulation (Community-Habitat Investment Model) was proposed.

Key words: invasive alien species, population control, uninvasibility, habitat restoration, ecosystem management, Community-Habitat Investment Model

line 2004年2月27日受付,2004年2月27日受理
1) e-mail: takemon@wrcs.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp line

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