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応用生態工学 6(1), 15-24, 2003





齋藤大1)・ 宇野正義2)・ 伊藤尚敬3)

1)応用地質株式会社 〒963-7722 福島県田村郡三春町大字西方字石畑275
2) 日本エヌ・ユー・エス株式会社 〒108-0022 東京都港区海岸3-9-15 Loop-Xビル8
3) 国土交通省東北地方整備局三春ダム管理所 〒963-7722 福島県田村郡三春町大字西方字中ノ内403-4

Hiroshi SAITO1), Masayoshi UNO2) and Hisayuki ITO3): The effect of water level lowering in Miharu Dam Reservoir on the reproduction of largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 6(1), 15-24, 2003.

1) OYO Corporation, 275 Aza Ishibata Oaza Nishikata, Miharu-machi, Tamura-gun, Fukushima 963-7722, Japan
2) JAPAN NUS Co., Ltd., Loop-X bldg. 8F, 9-15 Kaigan 3-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0022, Japan
3) Miharu Dam Management Office, 403-4 Aza Nakanouchi Oaza Nishikata, Miharu-machi, Tamura-gun, Fukushima 963-7722, Japan

Abstract:The effect of water level lowering for flood control on the reproduction of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, was studied in Miharu Dam Reservoir, Fukushima Japan. The capture investigation was continued from the year of the first filling of water in the dam. The results indicated that largemouth bass increased immediately after invasion, especially in the Pre-Reservoir where water level was fixed. The increased largemouth bass then decreased in the next year, however the tendency in which fishes eaten by largemouth bass decreased was continued. Maturating and hatching season of largemouth bass was surveyed in the Pre-Reservoirs. The hatching date was analyzed by the number of otolith rings, and maturity of gonads were determined by histological analyses. These analyses suggested that their spawning season was from early May to late June when water temperature rose from 15℃ to 21℃. Analyses of otolith rings of juveniles indicated that hatching did not occur during the water level lowering period. Furthermore, it was observed that juveniles were dead at the edge of the water during the period. These results suggested that the water level lowering over 2.5 m and at the speed over 0.27 m/day, water temperature risen from 15℃ to 21℃, suppressed the reproduction of largemouth bass.

Key words: exotic species, largemouth bass, reproduction, water level lowering, water temperature


 成魚の生殖腺分析,当歳魚の耳石輪紋計数の結果,さくら湖における繁殖期は,日平均水温が15℃から21℃に上昇する5月上旬から6月下旬であると推定された.  水位低下後に採取した当歳魚には,水位低下中の前貯水池で孵化した個体が含まれなかったことや,水位低下中の湖岸で孵化後20日程度の当歳魚の群れが水際で死亡していることが確認されるなど,オオクチバスの繁殖期に合わせた水位低下が本種の繁殖を抑制するものと考えられる.以上の結果から,日平均水温が15℃から21℃に上昇する時期に0.27m/day以上の速度で2.5m以上(約9日間以上)水位低下することは,本種の繁殖抑制につながることが推察された.

line 2002年5月7日受付,2003年3月19日受理
1) e-mail: saitou-hirosi@oyonet.oyo.co.jp line

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