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応用生態工学 5(2), 139-167, 2003





高橋和也1)*・ 林靖子1)・ 中村太士2)・ 辻珠希3)・ 土屋進4) ・今泉浩史4)

1)応用地質株式会社技術本部 〒330-8632 さいたま市土呂町2-61-5
2) 北海道大学大学院農学研究科森林管理保全学講座 〒060-8589札幌市北区北9西9
3) 北海道開発局石狩川開発建設部計画課 〒060-8541札幌市中央区北2西19
4) 財団法人リバーフロント整備センター 〒102-0075 東京都千代田区三番町3-8

Kazuya TAKAHASHI1)*, Seiko HAYASHI1), Futoshi NAKAMURA2), Tamaki TSUJI3),Susumu TSUCHIYA4) and Hirofumi IMAIZUMI4): A review on buffer width required for ecological functions of riparian forests. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 5(2), 139-167, 2003.

1) Technical Center, OYO corporation, 2-61-5, Toro, Saitama 330-8632, Japan
2) Department of Forest Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, N9 W9, Sapporo 060-8589, Japan
3) River Planning Division, Ishikarigawa Development and Construction Department, Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau, N2 W19, Sapporo 060-8541, Japan
4)Technology Research Center for Riverfront Development Foundation, 3-8, Sanban, Chiyoda, Tokyo 102-0075, Japan

Abstract:This paper aims to propose the adequate buffer widths for preserving the ecological functions of riparian forests by reviewing both Japanese and international literatures and guidelines. The result of our review indicates the wide variations in the proposed buffer widths probably due to the differences in environmental backgrounds at each study site. The recommendation for the adequate buffer width for the conservation of each function is, thus, made considering Japanese landscape and vegetations. Approximately 30 m is required for maintaining shading effects and the provision of organic litter and woody debris which are especially important in the headwater to 3rd order mountainous streams. Water quality control is, on the other hand, more crucial in larger floodplain rivers with high potential of contaminations associated with urban development and agriculture. Regarding this function, 10-20m buffer width is proposed as the minimum value in the literatures reviewed. The buffer width for aquatic habitat conservation should be determined by linking with other ecological functions, such as shading and organic litter input, thus about 30m is recommended in mountainous streams. Riparian forest functioning as habitat and corridor for terrestrial animals has different requirement for its width depending on the targeted species. Most of the recommended widths fall into the ranges up to 100 m and 200 m for the conservation of amphibians, reptiles and mammals and that of birds, respectively.
Although this review focused mainly on the width of riparian forest, the future studies should put an emphasis on the longitudinal continuity along river or the whole stream networks for the establishment of more appropriate guidelines.

Key words: buffer width, ecological conservation, ecological function, riparian forest, riparian managemente


日射遮断効果,落葉リター等有機物供給,倒木供給機能は,水系次数3次までの上流域で重要な水辺林の機能であり,30m程度までの幅が適正幅と考えられた.また,微細砂の捕捉機能については,水辺林地形面の斜度や地表面粗度,土壌の種類によって効果が異なることから,一定値を保全幅として決定することは困難であると考えられた.栄養塩の除去機能に関しては,土地利用が進んでおり畑地等栄養塩の供給源が隣接する水系次数の大きい平野部でより重要な機能と考えられ,10〜20m程度の緩衝林帯が必要であると考えられた.魚類等の保護に対しては,30m程度の緩衝林帯を推薦する研究が多かったが,これらは主に山地渓流魚を対象とするものである.水辺林のハビタットやコリドーとしての役割については,対象生物によって大きく異なり,対象生物ごとに水辺林の幅を個々に検討する必要がある.レビューの結果では,両生類,肥虫類,哺乳類では最大で100m程度の幅の水辺林が,鳥類では最大で200m程度の幅の水辺林が必要であると考えられた. 微気象保全については研究途上であり,明確な目安を提示するに至らなかった.

line 2001年12月27日受付,2002年11月19日受理
* e-mail: takahashi-kazuya@oyonet.oyo.co.jp line

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