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応用生態工学 3(1), 7-19, 2000


特集: 日本の沿岸環境保全 Feature: coastal environmental conservation


カブトガニ産卵地の地形特性と孵化幼生の分散観測 −希少生物生息地のミティゲーション計画のために−

清野聡子1)*・ 宇多高明2)・ 土屋康文3)・ 前田耕作1)・ 三波俊郎4)

1)京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域システム科学科〒153-8902 東京都目黒区駒場3-8-12)建設省土木研究所河川部 〒305-0804 茨城県つくば市旭1
3)総合ビデオサウンド 〒714-0048 岡山県笠岡市緑町6-35
4)海岸研究室(有) 〒160-0011 東京都新宿区若葉1-22,208

Satoquo SEINO1)*, Takaaki UDA2), Yasufumi TSUCHIYA3), Kosaku MAEDA1), Toshiro SAN-NAMI4): Field observation of geomorphological features of the spawning site and dispersion of hatchlings of the horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus -towards mitigation planning for the rare species Ecol. Civil. Eng. 3(1), 7-19, 2000.

1)Department of General System Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Komaba Meguro, Tokyo, 153-8902, Japan
2) River Department, Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction 1, Asahi, Tsukuba, Ibaragi, 305-0804, Japan
3) Sogo Video Sound, 6-35 Midori-machi, Kasaoka, Okayama, 714-0048, Japan4)Coastal Engineering Laboratory Co., Ltd. 208, 1-22, Wakaba, Shinjuku, Tokyo, 160-0011, Japan

Abstract:Geomorphological features of the spawning sites of the horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus were investigated in two river mouths in Moriye Bay in Oita Prefecture, one of the well-known habitats of the horseshoe crab in Japan. Its spawning sites were found at the inner sand bar of the river bend near the mouth, at the river mouth bar, and at a sandy beach surrounded by a tidal flat. The elevation and the median diameter of bed materials at the spawning sites were 0.62±0.18m (mean±SD) above the M.S.L. and ranged between 0.4mm and 1.0mm, respectively. Dispersion patterns of the hatchlings were estimated by a float tracking experiment in the field. The result indicated that the hatchlings, which came out of the sand surface during high tide, could reach the larval habitat at the tidal flat by tidal currents in spite of their poor swimming ability. Mitigation methods necessary for construction of artificial spawning sites are proposed based on these field observations.

Key words: Geomorphological features, horseshoe crab, mitigation, spawning site, tidal flat



line 2000年2月1日受付, 2000年5月16日受理
e-mail: seino@chianti.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp line


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