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応用生態工学 3(1), 37-44, 2000


特集: 日本の沿岸環境保全 Feature: coastal environmental conservation




水産庁漁港部計画課 〒100-8907 東京都千代田区霞ヶ関1-2-1

Akira NAGANO: An approach to ecosystem preservation when developing fishing ports and villages Ecol. Civil. Eng. 3(1), 37-44, 2000.

Planning Division, Fishing port Department, Fishery Agency, 1-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Tiyodaku, Tokyo, 100-8907, Japan

Abstract:The eco-social system is dedined as interrelations among the natural environment, society and social activities. Maintaining fishing villages in a good condition requires efforts to keep several eco-social factors and their interrelations within an acceptable range of variations: the fishery, the life and culture of these villages, and the coastal environment including hinterland forests. In fishing villages, one must consider the following in terms of their interrelations: industrial activities and the preservation of specific industries, lifestyle and culture, and the natural environment. Focusing on the fishery or living convenience alone prompts the disintegration of a fishing village's eco-social system. On the other hand, in a discussion on the ecosystem conservation, we should not limit ourselves to specific endangered species and their environments. We should consider preservation in relation to the lifestyle of the village's people and its fishery. This study considers examples of conflict between the natural environment, environmental preservation and the development of fishing ports, which serve as infrastructure for production and living. I will also discuss on methods necessary for achieving consensus on fishing port development. The example of Saroma Lagoon indicates what research is needed on which to base future academic and technological approaches.

Key words: fishing port, preservation of ecosystem, eco-social system, Saroma Lagoon, Consensus-forming

line 2000年1月14日受付, 2000年4月12日受理
e-mail: akira_nagano@nm.maff.go.jp line

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