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応用生態工学 2(2), 153-164, 1999


特集: ダム構造物の影響 Feature: influences of dam structure



辻本 哲郎

名古屋大学大学院工学研究科地圏環境工学専攻 〒464-8603 名古屋市千種区不老町

Tetsuro TSUJIMOTO: Effefcts of dams on phisical environment of rivers -from the aspects of river engineering and hydraulics-. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 2(2), 103-112, 1999.

Dept. of Geo- & Environmental Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603, Japan

Abstract:Dams and reservoirs are constructed in order to regulate river discharge from the view points of flood control and water resource development. Reservoirs store water but bring discontinuity of sediment, other materials and even organisms. Reservoir sedimentation is one of globally serious broblems. Ecosystems not only around reservoirs but also in the downstream reaches must be degenerated. The latter is focussed on in the present paper particularly from the aspects of river engineering and hydraulics. The effects of dams on the downstream reaches are brought by changes in the temporal pattern of water discharge and decrease in sediment supply. Fluvial processes in such rivers are characterized by river-bed degradation, armoring, drying up of bars and flood plains, invasion qf vegetation, deposition of fine material and so on. Understanding of such processes must be important in environmental assessment of new dam projects and following-up management of previously con structed dams. Evaluation of habitat suitability is also required there as one of river engineering subjects.

Key words: dams, reservoir sedimentation, river landscape, river hydraulics, degrada tion, armoring, riparian vegetation, habitat hydraulics


ダム貯水池でセ丸流氷を貯留するため,水域だけでなく周辺の環境にも影響を及ぼす.また,土砂や物質をかん止し(このことも貯水域の環境変化に作用する),流況変化(平均的な量とともに流量変化のバターン)とともに,下流河道に影響を与える.ダム工事期を除いても, 湛水期の極端な流量減少と微細土砂の河床への堆積,引き続いて,砂質系材料のダムでのかん止によって下流河道での砂州環境がリフレッシュされないこと,さらに河床低下とそれに伴う粗粒化(アーマー化)の下流への伝播が出現する.より長期的には零筋固定,砂州などの陸化,植生繁茂,樹林化などの傾向に代表される河相の変貌へとつながるおそれがある.河相が河川が担うべざ治水,利水,親水,生態系保全機能と強く関連している, あるいは河相の管理・制御によってこそこれらの機能が全うされるという観点から,上記のようなダムの河相変貌に及ぼす影響を河川工学的課題として提え,その変貌の仕組みを河川水理学的な視点から考察した.

line 1999年3月30日受付, 1999年6月10日受理
e-mail: ttsujimoto@genv.nagoya-u.ac.jp line

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