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応用生態工学 2(2), 205-210, 1999





口分田政博1)・ 田中万祐2)・ 遊磨正秀3)

1) 滋賀文教短期大学 〒526-0829 長浜市田村町
2) 滋賀県立長浜高等学校 〒526-0033 長浜市平方町
3) 京都大学生態学研究センター 〒520-2113 大津市上田上平野町

Masahiro KUMODE1), Kazusuke TANAKA2), Masahide YUMA3): Estimation of the peak flight season of adult Genji-firefly, Luciola cruciata (Coleoptera). Ecol. Civil. Eng. 2(2), 205-210, 1999.

1) Shiga Bunkyo College, Tamura, Nagahama, 526-0829, Japan
2) Nagahama High School, Hirakata, Nagahama, 526-0033, Japan
3) Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University, Kamitanakami-Hirano, Otsu 520-2113, Japan

Abstract:Methods to estimate the season of adult emergence of Genji-firefiy, Luciola cruciata, were presented with analysis on the relations of landing date of mature larvae and emergence date of adults to the air temperature at Kiyotaki and Ginkaku-ji in Kyoto City and Nagaoka in Santo Town, Shiga Prefecture. The peak (or initial) emergence date of adult fireflies. (Y) could be estimated from the peak (or initial) landing date of mature larvae (X) as ; Y=14.23+1.34xX, where X and Y were presented by days from Ist January. The developmental zero and the effective cumulative temperature during the pupal stage (after the landing of mature larva until adult emergence) were estimated to be 13.7C and 162.6 degree-days, respectively. Without observation on the landing mature larvae, the peak flight season of adult firefiies (Y, presented by days from 1st January) was possible to be roughly estimated with the cumulative temperature above the developmental zero (13.7C) for 20, 30 or 40 days after average air temperature exceeds the developmental zero (X20 or X30 or X40, respectively) : Y=174.8-0.248 x X20 , Y=180.2-0.199xX30 or Y=187.1-0.175xX40. To generalize these estimations for localities other than Kyoto and Shiga prefectures, we need to compare the developmental zero and cumulative temperature of other local populations.

Key words: Genji-firefly, estimation of adult season, Ianding season of mature larvae, air temperature, developmental zero, effective cumulative temperature


ゲンジボタル成虫の発生時期を予測するために,京都市右京区清滝,京都市左京区銀閣寺,および滋賀県山東町長岡における成虫発生時期について,幼虫の上陸時期や気温との関係について検討を行った.幼虫上陸数最盛 (または初見)日と成虫発光目撃数最盛(または初見) 日(ともに1月0日からの日数で示す)の関係は,
   成虫発光目撃数最盛(初見)日 = 14.23+1.34×幼虫上陸数最盛(初見)日
としてある程度の予測をすることができる. なおこれらの有効積算温量の添字は温量の積算に用いた日数を示し, 成虫現存数最盛予測日は1月0日からの日数として表現される. また, この式は京都府と滋賀県の個体群に関するものであり, 気温条件の異なる他所への適用に際しては, 発育ゼロ点や有効積算温量に関するゲンジボタル地域個体群間の同異について今後の検討を要する.

line 1999年6月18日受付, 1999年10月4日受理
3) e-mail: yuhma@ecology.kyoto-u.ac.jp line

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