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応用生態工学 1(1), 33-36, 1998





西條 八束

〒465-0063 名古屋市名東区新宿2-247

Yatsuka SAIJO1): Relation between flow rate and algal growth above the rivermouth barrage in the Nagara River.Ecol. Civil. Eng. 1(1), 33-36, 1998.

1) 1) 2-247 Shinjuku, Meito-ku, Nagoya 465-0063, Japan

Abstract: Occurrence of high algal growth above the rivermouth barrage in the Nagara River was examined during the high flow rate in the river was decreasing, by using the data of the Japanese Ministry of Construction River Bureau and the Water Resource Development Public Corporation. Recent researches in the Nagara River showed that after closing the gate the high algal growth was generally observed above the rivermouth barrage when a low flow rate continued having enough solar radiation, because the river water contains enough nitrogen and phosphorus as the nutrients. However, Murakami et al. (1998) found that when the low flow rate continued a rather long time, the amount of algae decreased probably because of the sedimentation of algae near the gate and the feeding by rotifer. Results of this study based on the continuously recorded data at a station above the barrage showed that high algal growth could be found when the flow rate decreased to the level ranging from 100 to 60 m3 sec-1. This range of flow rate almost agree with those suggested by Murakami et al. (1998) to maintain a high algal growth.

Key words: Nagara River, rivermouth barrage, flow rate, algal growth, chlorophyll-a


長良川河口堰の全ゲート閉鎖後の堰直上域における浮遊藻類の 発生に関して, 流量が 200m3sec-1 (墨俣) を超す高い状態から 次第に低下していくとき, どの程度の流量で藻類の顕著な発生が見られるが, という見地から考察した. 資料としては, 建設省・水資源開発公団の発表している, データを用いた.
今回の資料解析の結果, 顕著な藻類の発生がとくに底流量続いているときのみでなく, 流量が100〜60 m3 sec-1程度の時でも見られることが明らかになった. 河口堰の全ゲートを閉鎖すると, 堰直上流では 水がある程度停滞しやすい条件ができる. 栄養塩は不足していないので, 6月から10月ころにかけ, 十分な日射があれば, 著しい渇水期でなくても, 少なくもクロロフィルa量として30〜60μgl-1程度の藻類が発生する可能性が高いことを示していると考える.


1998年7月21日受付, 1998年9月14日受理


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