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応用生態工学 14(2), 155-159, 2011




Diference of ratio of dead lnversiunio jokohamensis individuals between two ditches where presence of temporary drying up and the environmental property are different

Wataru KAKINO1)*, Toshishige ITOH2), Yutaka YOSHIDA3), Atsushi KOBAYASHI4)

1)National Research Institute of Aquaculture, 2482-3 Chugushi, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1661, Japan
2)Enoshima Aquarium, 2-19-1 Katasekaigan, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0035, Japan
3)Tochigi Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, 2599 Sarado, Ootawara, Tochigi 324-0404, Japan
4)Keika Boys Junior & Senior High School, 5-6-6 Shiroyama, Bunkyou, Tokyo 112-8612, Japan

柿野 亘1)*・伊藤 寿茂2)・吉田 豊3)・小林 敦4) : .一時的な水涸れの有無や環境特性の異なる2水路におけるヨコハマシジラガイの斃死率の違い Ecol. Civil Eng. 14(2), 155-159, 2011.

1)独立行政法人水産総合研究センター内水面研究部増養殖研究所 〒321-1661 栃木県日光市中宮祠2482-3
2)新江ノ島水族館 〒251-0035 神奈川県藤沢市片瀬海岸2-19-1
3)栃木県水産試験場 〒324-0404 栃木県大田原市佐良土2599
4)京華学園中学,高等学校 〒112-8612 東京都文京区白山5-6-6

Abstract: The captured lnversiunio jokohamensis individuals and their inhabiting environment were investigated in the east side ditch (Site 1,drying up ditch) and the west side ditch (Site 2,not drying up ditch) in a valley after a period of temporary drying up to assess the influence of drying up on the Inversiunio jokohamensis individuals in Site 1 and consider ditch structure to relieve the influence on September 18 and October 24, 2010. As a result,the ratio of dead individuals and the body length distribution had a significant difference between both sites (P<0.01). In addition,dead individuals of all body length sizes were confirmed in Site 1. The number of individuals has decreased accompanying growing of the body length in Site 1. Methods to modify the ditch structure to relieve influence of temporary drying up are considered essential to maintain the population.

Key words: hill-bottom valley, earthen ditch, body length distribution, dehydration, bottom sediment



line Received 14 February 2011, Accepted 12 July 2011
* e-mail: kakino@vmas.kitasato-u.ac.jp
Present Address : Department of Environmental Bioscience School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University, Higashi 23-35-1, Towada, Aomori 034-8628, Japan
現所属:北里大学獣医学部生物環境科学科 〒034-8628 青森県十和田市東二十三番町35-1

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