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応用生態工学 12(1), 1-12, 2009





中村 智幸1),徳田 幸憲2),高橋 剛一郎3)

1) 独立行政法人水産総合研究センター中央水産研究所 〒321-1661 栃木県日光市中宮祠2482−3
2) 高原川漁業共同組合 〒506-1161 岐阜県飛騨市神岡町船津2132−23
3) 富山県立大学短期大学部全生態学研究室 〒939-0398 富山県射水市黒河5180

Tomoyuki NAKAMURA1), Yukinori TOKUDA2), and Goichiro TAKAHASHI3): Spawning of white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis and population dynamics of its underyearlings in an artificial spawning channel. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 12(1), 1-12, 2009.

1) National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Fisheries Research Agency, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1661, Japan
2) Takaharagawa Fishery Cooperative, Hida, Giju 506-1161, Japan
3) College of Technology, Toyama Prefectural University, Imizu, Toyama 939-0398, Japan

Abstract: The effectiveness of construction of an artificial spawning channel to enhance white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis) and masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou masou) was examined in a charnel (approximately 270 m long and 1m wide) constructed below an erosion control dam, in the Gamata River, Jinzu River system, Gifu Prefecture from 2005 to 2007. Eight and 15 artificial spawning grounds were constructed in the channel in 2005 and 2006, respectively. As a result, multiple spawnings of the charr were observed at 4 of 8 grounds in 2005 and 8 of 15 grounds in 2006, respectively. The number of spawned eggs and the percentage of eyed eggs were 2503 and 90.0% in 2005. A lot of underyearling charr were observed in April of both 2006 and 2007. The growth, density, standing stock and survival rate of the underyearlings were studied from July to October in both years. The average fork length and body weight in October were 86.0 mm and 8.00 g for the 2005 year-class and 80.2 mm and 6.31 g for the 2006 year-class, respectively. The density and standing stock in October were 0.29 fish/m2 and 2.32 g/m2 for the 2005 year-class and 0.75 fish/m2 and 4.73 g/m2 for the 2006 year-class, respectively. The survival rate of the 2005 year-class was 3.2% from the spawned eggs to the underyearlings of October. The underyearlings were observed near the spawning redds in April, after that they dispersed throughout the charneL No spawning of masu salmon was observed throughout the charnel in both years. The results suggest that the construction of artificial spawning channel is effective for the enhancement of white-spotted charr.

Key words: artificial spawning ground, spawning redd, density, standing stock, growth, survival rate, dispersal, masu salmon


2005年から2007年にかけて,岐阜県の神通川水系蒲田川の砂防堰堤下流に造成されたイワナ,ヤマメの人工産卵河川において,両種の産卵と当歳魚の生態を調査した.2005年11月に8カ所の人工産卵場のうち4カ所で,2006年同月に15カ所の人工産卵場うち8カ所で多数のイワナの産卵がそれぞれ確認された.両年ともにヤマメの産卵は確認されなかった.2005年のイワナの産着卵数は2,503粒,卵の発限率は90.0%であった.イワナ当歳魚は4月に産卵床付近で多く観察され,その後経時的に人工産卵河川全体に分散した.この傾向は2006年に強かった.イワナ当歳魚の10月における水表面積1m2当たりの密度と現有量は,2005年級群では0.29個体と2.32g,2006年級群では0.75個体と4.73gであった.10月の尾叉長と体重の平均値は,2005年級群では86.0mmと8.00g,2006年級群では80.2mm と6.31gであった.2005年級群の卵から当歳10月までの生残率は3.2%であった.これらの結果から,人工産卵河川の造成はイワナの増殖に有効であると考えられた.

line 2008年7月10日受付,2009年5月26日受理
1) e-mail: ntomo@fra.affrc.go.jp line

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