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応用生態工学 11(2), 213-224, 2008





梅田 真1)・和泉 恵之2)

1) (財)ダム水源地環境整備センター(現所属・東北大学 〒980-8579 宮城県仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉6−6−06 東北大学大学院工学研究科 土木工学専攻環境水理学研究室)
2) (財)ダム水源地環境整備センター(現所属・沖縄県 〒900-8570 沖縄県那覇市泉崎1−2−2)

Makoto UMEDA1) and Yoshiyuki IZUMI2) : Modeling and predication of phytoplankton growth in artificial lakes. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 11(2), 213-224, 2008.

1) Japan Water Resources Environment Technology Center (Present affiliation: Tohoku University, Dept. Civil Eng., Tohoku Univ., 6-6-06 Aoba, Sendai 980-8579, Japan)
2) Japan Water Resources Environment Technology Center (Present affiliation: Okinawa prefecture, 1-2-2 Izumizakim Naha Okinawa 900-8570, Japan)

Abstract: This paper presents a review on analysis methods for eutrophication phenomenon or growth of phytoplankton, which is one of typical water quality problems in dam reservoirs. Methods and models on predictions of phytoplankton growth in dam reservoirs have long been studied and basic methodologies seem to have been confirmed for practical uses. However, there are issues for improvement of prediction models requested from the needs of the public, as well as from mere problems of technique. The prediction methods applied in practical business are categorized into two types: simple analysis methods and ecosystem simulation models. Simple analysis methods are mainly based on statistical data analysis collected from many dam reservoirs. A representative example is the phosphorus load model by Vollenweider. Ecosystem simulation models have also long been studied and various types of the model have been proposed. A basic structure of an ecosystem model is consisted of a hydraulic model and water quality -ecosystem model. Issues to be tackled on phytoplankton prediction in dam reservoirs are also discussed. More precise predictions on occurrence of water bloom and water quality disorder and on effects of water quality preservation facilities are needed. On the other hand, simple analysis methods are needed to be improved. These issues are expected from a view point of accountabilities as well as mere technical viewpoint.

Key words: dam, eutrophication, modeling, phytoplankton, reservoir


ダム湖における水質に関する代表的な課題のうち,富栄養化現象 (植物プランクトンの消長現象)を解析する予測モデルの考え方と現状について概説した.ダム湖の植物プランクトン予測の手法は,長く検討がされてきていることから,基本的な考え方は概ね固まっているものである.実用上も技術的な蓄積がすでに様々に為されており,予測精度などは一定の水準まで連していると考えられる.しかし,昨今の社会的なものを含めた技術的要請により課題もある.

line 2005年11月7日受付,2006年9月20日受理
* e-mail: umeda@kasen1.civil.tohoku.ac.jp line

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