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応用生態工学 11(2), 183-193, 2008





中島 淳,江口 勝久・乾 隆帝,西田 高志,中谷 祐也,鬼倉 徳雄,及川 信

九州大学水産実験所 〒811-3304 福岡県福津市津屋崎2506

Jun NAKAJIMA, Katsuhisa EGUCHI, Ryutei INUI, Takashi NISHIDA, Masaya NAKATANI, Norio ONIKURA, and Shin OIKAWA : Inhabitation of an artificial backwater zone (wando-pool) in the estuarine basin of the Kitagawa River, southern Kyusyu, by fish, crabs, and insects. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 11(2), 183-193, 2008.

Fishery Research Laboratory, Kyushu University, Tsuyazaki 2506, Fukutsu, Fukuoka, 811-3304 Japan

Abstract: We surveyed fish fauna from 2001 to 2006, and crab and insect fauna in 2006 in an artificial wando-pool in the Kitagawa River, Gokasegawa River System, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. The artificial pool is located 4 km upstream of the river mouth, and it is 50 m in width, 400 m in length, and average of 1.5 m in depth. This pool was constructed in 2001 to replace the natural wando-pool lost that was due to river improvement. In this survey, we recorded 72 fishes, 12 crabs, and 7 insects. The number of fish species captured in the artificial pool was almost identical to that in the earlier natural pool. In addition, various species of fishes, crabs, and insects were captured in the tidal flat and the Zostera japonica vegetation zone present along the waterfront of the pool. These results indicate that the species diversity in the artificial pool is identical to that in the natural pool, and this species diversity was maintained despite the diversified environments at the waterfront. In addition, this artificial pool also varied in other aspects and exhibited roughness of the bottom, substantial differences in water depth and salinity, and formation of a halocline. We assume that the diversified environment of not only the waterfront but also other places contributed to maintenance of the species diversity in this artificial pool.

Key words: spontaneous regeneration, river ecosystem, blackish water, biodiversity, endangered speceis


1. 調査の結果, 72種の魚類,12種のカニ類, 7種の甲虫類が採集され,合計 91種の生物の生息場所として機能していることが明らかとなった.
2. ワンドの底層は年を追う毎に起伏が生じ,平坦に造成きれた底層は 5年後には浅い場所と深い場所で約100cmもの差が生じていた.塩分躍層は,満潮時,干潮時ともに水面下1mより深い水深で生じていた.
3. ワンドの奥部には泥干潟やコアマモ域が自然に生じ,それらの環境を好む魚類,カニ,甲虫類が定着した.
4. 従来あった天然の旧ワンドと人工ワンドにおいて,夏季に出現した魚類種数に大きな違いはなく,人工ワンドが旧ワンドの代替環境として十分に機能しているものと考えられた.
5. 感潮域において生物多様性保全を目的とした人工ワンドを今後造成する際には,安定した塩分躍層が出来るように,干潮時でも1m以上の水深を確保する構造にすること,水際域や干潟が自然に出来るように,造成時に緩傾斜区間を多く配置すること,また,ヨシ植生域をなるべく残すこと,など多様な環境構造を創出することを意識して設計することが特に重要と考えられた.

line 2007年5月4日受付,2008年7月31日受理
* e-mail: cyprin@kyudai.jp line

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