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応用生態工学 11(2), 133-152, 2008





村上 まり恵1),黒崎 靖介1)*,中村 太士2),五道 仁実3),楯 慎一郎4),西 浩司4),樋村 正雄4)

1) 日本工営株式会社環境部 〒102-8539 東京都千代田区麹町5−4
2) 北海道大学大学院農学研究科森林管理保全学講座 〒060-8589 札幌市北区北9条西9丁目
3) 国土交通省河川局河川計画課河川情報対策室 〒100-8918 東京都千代田区霞ヶ関2−1−3
4) いであ株式会社 〒224-0025 神奈川県横浜市都筑区早渕2−2−2

Marie MURAKAMI1) , Yasusuke KURSAKI1)*, Futoshi NAKAMURA2), Hitomi GODO3), Shinichiro TATE4), Koji NISHI4), Masao HIMURA4): An assessment of river environment by physical characters - Evaluation by the degree of departure from reference condition. Ecol. Civil. Eng. 11(2), 133-152, 2008.

1) Environment Department, NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD., 5-4, Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8539, Japan
2) Department of Forest Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Kita 9 Nishi 9, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-8589, Japan
3) River Information Office, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 2-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8918, Japan
4) IDEA Consultants Inc. 2-2-2 Hayabuchi, Tusuki-ku, Yokohama, 224-0025, Japan

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to conduct a simple and comprehensive stream assessment based on a "Degree of Departure from Reference (DDR) " in physical environments. We define 'departure' as the distance between a reference site and each test site in multiple principal component dimensions of physical conditions. The assessment was conducted at the reach scale. The three categories were anthropogenic alteration, habitat diversity and stream & floodplain structure, with each consisting of specific indices representing physical conditions of the stream and floodplain. We established 68 test sites in a lowland, valley bottom segment of the Shibetsu River, Hokkaido, northern Japan, where relatively undisturbed reference sites were available. Physical conditions for each reach were measured, using a survey method modified from the River Habitat Survey, a quantitative assessment system that has been developed and practiced in the United Kingdom. The test sites were classified into principal components separately for three categories. A group of least disturbed sites was determined as a reference. The departure in physical conditions was smallest within the reference group and was large in other reaches which exhibited differences from the reference group in terms of multiple indices. These sites departing from the reference flow through urban areas and show a high level of alteration, low habitat diversity and sinuosity and less frequent occurrence of riffles, pools and bars. The Degree of Departure from Reference is an objective measurement of differences between reference conditions and a target site for assessment, which provides a comprehensive, accurate evaluation of stream physical environments. Our assessment method is applicable to other rivers. It can be also more easily used for spatially large-scale assessment relative to the ones with biotic indices, thereby providing an effective tool for 'mass-screening test' of river environments.

Key words: physical environment, reference condition, river habitat survey, river health, stream assessment


本研究は,物理環境要素を用いた河川環境の簡便かつ結合的な評価を行うことを目的とし, 人為改変の小さいリファレンスとの相違の程度 (乖離度)によって任意の地点の評価を行った.「乖離度」とは,河川の物理環境を構成する要素を軸とした多次元空間上における対象サイトとリファレンスの距離と定義した.
評価は,リーチスケールで実施した.評価する観点には「人為改変」「生息場の多様性」「河川及び氾濫原の構造」の 3つを設定し,各観点を表す具体的な事象を指標として設定した.

line 2007年11月2日受付,2008年7月4日受理
* e-mail: kurosaki-ys@n-koei.jp line

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